A Haven of Health & Wellness for Your Mind - Empowering Women's Wellness

HypnoBestie Bridges the Gap Between Your Busy Life and Emotional Mental Wellness

HypnoBesties Logo; woman with  swirling
HypnoBesties Logo; woman with  swirling

HypnoBestie Membership

Are you a busy professional juggling the demands of work and personal life, trying to maintain wellness amidst the chaos? Or perhaps you’re a personal growth super-fan, always on the lookout for effective ways to nurture your mind? Maybe you're a wellness enthusiast who believes in the holistic approach to health. Whatever path you're on, one thing is clear – your mind deserves care and attention just as much as your body does.

At HypnoBestie, we understand the importance of mental health and wellness. That’s why we’ve created an exclusive membership designed to cater to the unique needs of your soul through powerful 45-minute live hypnotherapy and coaching sessions.

Why HypnoBestie Stands Out in Mental Wellness

  • Mental Cleanse: You clean your house. You take a shower. But what do you do for your mind to keep it healthy? Regular hypnotherapy and coaching sessions with HypnoBestie act as a detox for your mind, clearing out the clutter and refreshing your mental state.

  • Targeted Wellness: Each session is thoughtfully crafted exclusively for women in 2024. Women who are busy professionals, busy moms, personal growth fans, and wellness enthusiast in mind. We aim to maintain wellness, health, and balance in your life through proven hypnotherapy techniques and life-coaching practices.

  • Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are on a similar path towards mental wellness and personal growth. Share experiences, challenges, and triumphs with those who understand.

  • Live Sessions: Weekly, 45 min. group sessions. Just like in your favorite yoga, or exercise class, you can experience real-time engagement that allows for personalized interaction. Our live sessions are designed not just to speak to you but to speak directly to your soul’s needs.

  • Comfort and Convenience: Participate from the sanctuary of your own home, eliminating the need for travel and allowing you to create a personalized, comfortable space in which to explore your mental wellness. Our online format is designed to fit seamlessly into your life, ensuring that you can access powerful hypnotherapy and coaching sessions from anywhere.

  • Special Member Discounts: Enjoy exclusive discounts on one-on-one programs and other specialized programs offered by Kimberly Lorenz and Lorenz Hypnosis & Wellness.

Ready to Nourish Your Mind?

Join HypnoBestie today and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced mind. Because taking care of your mind is not just about coping - it’s about thriving.


Membership Details:

When you join HypnoBestie, you're investing in your personal growth with flexibility in mind.

  • Month-to-Month Membership: Enjoy the freedom to explore with a monthly commitment of $35.

  • 12-Month Membership: The BEST DEAL, join for a full year of transformation and enjoy a 20% discount, totaling $336.

2 Week Free Trial!

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Kimberly Lorenz, Board Certified Hypnotist with HypnoBestie
Kimberly Lorenz, Board Certified Hypnotist with HypnoBestie

"Just as your body can heal, grow, and become stronger, so to can your mind. The ability to heal and already resides within you." - Kimberly

Meet Kimberly

Your Ally in New Beginnings and Consistent Emotional Wellness Care

Kimberly, the heart and soul behind HypnoBestie, offers a lifeline to individuals striving to balance the demands of a busy lifestyle with the necessity of mental and emotional health. Renowned for her compassionate approach and extensive background in trauma-informed healing and hypnotherapy, Kimberly has transformed the lives of countless women, guiding them through their unique paths to recovery and empowerment.

Inspired by her personal victory over life's hurdles, Kimberly infuses all that she does with specialized knowledge, understanding, and a tailor-made plan for nurturing the mind and spirit.

At HypnoBestie, Kimberly’s coaching and therapeutic techniques function like regular wellness routines for your mental and emotional health — essential practices for maintaining clarity, balance, and happiness amidst life's chaos.

With Kimberly by your side, you're not just navigating the complex web of life's challenges; you're learning to thrive within it, equipped with tools for ongoing resilience, contentment, and self-growth.

Join us on this continuous journey of self-care, resembling the dedication you invest in keeping fit or your home in harmony, and discover a life marked by persistent joy and fulfillment.

An Empowering Yearly Journey

April: "Cultivating Resilience & Adaptability"

Focus: Building resilience to life's challenges, enhancing adaptability, and fostering a mindset equipped for change.

May: "Motherhood & Nurturing Relationships"

Focus: Balancing motherhood, work, and self; strengthening family bonds.

June: "Self-Expression & Creativity"

Focus: Exploring personal creativity, overcoming self-doubt, and expressing oneself authentically.

July: "Independence & Personal Power"

Focus: Assertiveness training, setting boundaries, and cultivating personal strength.

August: "Preparation & Transition"

Focus: Managing transitions (back to school, changing seasons), and preparing for the end of the year.

September: "Focus & Productivity"

Focus: Enhancing focus, efficiency, and managing work-life balance as routines resume.

October: "Embracing Change & Letting Go"

Focus: Emotional release, overcoming fears, and embracing the change of seasons.

November: "Gratitude & Connection"

Focus: Cultivating gratitude, strengthening community ties, and preparing for the holiday season.

December: "Reflection & Celebration"

Focus: Reflecting on the year's achievements, self-care during the holidays, and setting intentions for the upcoming year.


January: "New Beginnings & Setting Intentions"

Focus: Goal setting, overcoming procrastination, and harnessing motivation for the New Year.

February: "Love & Self-Compassion"

Focus: Cultivating self-love, enhancing relationships, and navigating Valentine's Day expectations.

March: "Spring Renewal & Growth"

Focus: Embracing change, personal growth, and decluttering life physically and emotionally.

April: "Stress Awareness & Management"

Focus: Coping with tax season stress, mindfulness practices, and emotional regulation techniques.

An Empowering Yearly Journey

January: "New Beginnings & Setting Intentions"

Focus: Goal setting, overcoming procrastination, and harnessing motivation for the New Year.

February: "Love & Self-Compassion"

Focus: Cultivating self-love, enhancing relationships, and navigating Valentine's Day expectations.

March: "Spring Renewal & Growth"

Focus: Embracing change, personal growth, and decluttering life physically and emotionally.

April: "Stress Awareness & Management"

Focus: Coping with tax season stress, mindfulness practices, and emotional regulation techniques.

May: "Motherhood & Nurturing Relationships"

Focus: Balancing motherhood, work, and self; strengthening family bonds.

June: "Self-Expression & Creativity"

Focus: Exploring personal creativity, overcoming self-doubt, and expressing oneself authentically.

July: "Independence & Personal Power"

Focus: Assertiveness training, setting boundaries, and cultivating personal strength.

August: "Preparation & Transition"

Focus: Managing transitions (back to school, changing seasons), and preparing for the end of the year.

September: "Focus & Productivity"

Focus: Enhancing focus, efficiency, and managing work-life balance as routines resume.

October: "Embracing Change & Letting Go"

Focus: Emotional release, overcoming fears, and embracing the change of seasons.

November: "Gratitude & Connection"

Focus: Cultivating gratitude, strengthening community ties, and preparing for the holiday season.

December: "Reflection & Celebration"

Focus: Reflecting on the year's achievements, self-care during the holidays, and setting intentions for the upcoming year.

What People Are Saying About The Offer

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Social Media for Kimberly @HypnotistKimberlyLorenz

Cancellation Policy*

All memberships are subject to automatic renewal, billing the credit card used at signup. Should you decide to cancel your membership, please email [email protected]. We'll process your request within 36 hours, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Please note, we do not offer refunds for missed sessions or unused membership time. This policy ensures we can continue providing high-quality content and support to all our members.